Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"Your grace is sufficient for me.
Your strength is made perfect when I am weak.
All that I cling to I lay at your feet.
Your grace is sufficient for me."
By: Shane & Shane

"Sufficient"--adj. Enough, adequate

I look around me and everyone is dating, engaged, or married...
Then I ask myself...
"What's wrong with me?"
"Why is no one pursuing me?"
"Am I not attractive?"
"Am I not funny enough?"
"Am I not lovable?"
"God, why is it not time for me? What else do I need to work on? What else? I'm being faithful. I'm not sleeping around. I'm not running around flirting with every boy I'm around. What else do I have to do??!!!"
At this point I can honestly say I'm getting angry and impatient.
Then I hear a still soft voice that says, "My grace is sufficient for you. Am I not enough?"
Me: "I thought we'd been through this. Of course you're enough God. Of course you are."
God: "Okay, then let me be enough in every area of your life. Let me be enough for your heart sweet daughter."

I feel like me and God go through this conversation often. I know He never gets tired of it, but I sure do. I get tired of struggling to let the Lord be enough. I get tired of being frustrated that He is the only one to tell me I'm beautiful, that I'm lovable, that I'm enough---Why can't I just let Him be enough? Why can't I just let His words be the only ones that matter? Why do I long for someone to tell me the things the Lord already does? Why?.....

Why can't I let His grace be sufficient for me
Why can't I let Him be enough?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Living Water

Recently I've gone on a health kit. I've been loving reading about new exercises, tips for runners, and nutrition. Today I read an interesting fact about water. I'm sure I've heard it before, but today I looked at it in a different way.

"Our body, like the earth, is 60 per cent to 70 per cent water. We float in water even before we’re born. Survival is possible for a few weeks without food, but for only a few days without water. About two litres of water is lost daily through breathing, sweating and kidney function. Water is part of every cell in our bodies. It aids digestion and metabolism, and the body’s ability to burn calories. It helps muscles move without cramping, supports vision, brain and kidney function, and maintains blood pressure and body temperature. Lack of water can increase fat deposits, bloating and constipation." (From Divine.ca, Canada's Online Women Magazine)

It got me thinking about the importance of water. Our bodies cannot function without enough water. Water is essential. I can think of times when my body became dehydrated because I did drink enough water. I became weak, irritable, moody, sick....

"Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water."" John 4:13-15

I think recently I've been spiritually dehydrated. I haven't been drawing from the source of living water, but have been trying to dig my own well in the middle of the desert. Ive been wondering around searching. The longer I wonder, the more frustrated I become. The longer I search, the more my desire for water diminishes...the only place I can become hydrated is from being with Jesus. Even when I feel busy and overwhelmed, I need to draw water from Jesus. Even when I can't feel him or don't think He's near, I run to Jesus.

So, this is the beginning of a new season for me. I'm no longer going to wonder around the desert searching for water. I'm going to draw water from the only place where I will no longer become thirsty.

Water is essential.

My time with Jesus is essential.

"Oh Lord I need you. Capture me. Come steal me away. Take me deeper to your heart. Surround me with you love and hold me close and never, never let me go. So close that I can feel your every breath until my heart begins to dance with yours. Never let me go. Won't you take me to a new place, to a realm of mercy and grace where love, love flows heavy. Oh Lord I need you. Capture me. Come steal me away. Take me deeper to your heart. Surround me with your love and hold me close and never, never let me go...Like a waterfall of honey let your love be pured down on me, OVERCOME ME!" --Waterfall by United Pursuit Band